The bombay cat is the most important breed of black cats. It's body is protected only by a layer of black hair, and it has two beautiful round and well-separated eyes. The female's name is Bella. She's playful, excited, affectionate and voracious. Her favorite food is tuna and cheese, but despite this, she is happy to eat anything, especially what she shouldn't.

Rowan wood with a phoenix core 10" and quite bendy flexibility. Rowan wood has always been much-favoured for wands, because it is reputed to be more protective than any other. The phoenix core is the rarest core type. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this.

kind, ambitious, funny, intelligent, responsible, purposeful, honest, demanding, caring, helpful, loyal, calm, educated, adaptable, creative, cooperative, supportive, cunning, hard-working, curious, independent, cheerful, cautious, reliable, selfless

stubborn, oversensitive, lazy, picky, touchy, irascible, perfectionist, anxious, shy, quiet, distant, imbalanced, insecure, moody, worried, overthinker, condescending, can-be-unmotivated, can-be-annoying, impatient, separated

animals, movies, anime, music, summer, scented candles, vanilla scent, christmas, plushies, books, the color green, white, purple, red, slytherins, hufflepuffs, playing piano, strawberry cheesecake, subway sandwiches, chocolate frogs, butterbeer, friends, potions, breeze, face masks, video games, photography, sea, snow, flowers, mushroom, martial arts, yoga, lipstick

failure, frogs, insects, loud people, lies, sushi, avocado, fish-based dishes, honey, tea, shouting, violence, injustice, cigarette, manipulation, people who don't smile back, doing dishes, morning alarm, running, bellyache, early darking, small talks with strangers, bullies, fake friends, littering, people who don't like/hate animals, being late, acne, beauty standards, racism, homophobia

backstory, or the journey to Hogwarts
Vivian Mercenary comes from a half-blood family, born on December 29th, as an eldest sibling. Her father is a pure-blood, but due to past problems his parents didn't want him to continue the wizarding lifestyle, so they enrolled him in a muggle school. Nevertheless, her father knew a few charms. He met her mother, who is a muggle. They were married before the girl was born. Vivian attended a muggle school until the age of 11, then transferred to a wizarding school after years of persuading her parents to allow her to study magic. She was forced to go to a school called Ofeus School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, because she hadn't received a letter from Hogwarts since her family had offically broken off their wizarding lifestyle earlier. At the age of 13, she applied to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, where she finally was able to fulfill herself, and where she finally felt like home. Over the years, a younger brother was born, but he didn't attend to any wizarding school. She is grateful to be able to study at Hogwarts, her grades are excellent, she has many good friends, she likes her teachers, and most importantly she loves to study there.